FACULTY PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS Hickman, Michelle, PhD, BCBA-D, NYS-LBA Behavioral Science • Hickman, M. A. “Developments in Teaching Play Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Association for Behavior Analysis International Annual Convention, May 23–27, 2024. Philadelphia, PA. Symposium discussant. Hobba-Glose, Janice, DNS, MSN-CNS, RN Nursing • Merriam, D., Bass, J., Hobba-Glose, J., Rhinehart, M., & Valazza, V. “Game On! Leveraging Technology and Game-Based Learning to Engage Nurses.” New York League for Nursing Annual Fall Conference: Artiÿcial Intelligence and Other Technologies in Nursing Education and Practice, Nov 3–4, 2023. Daemen University, Amherst, NY. Conference presentation. • Stalter, A. M., Hobba-Glose, J., Blanchette, L., & Duea, S. “Research Plenary: Measuring Essential Pedagogical Approaches of Community/Public Health Nursing Student Learning.” Association of Community Health Nursing Educators Annual Institute, Jun 5–8, 2024. Chicago, IL. Conference presentation. Jennings, Adrienne, PhD, BCBA-D Behavioral Science • Jennings, A. M., & Cox, D. J. (2024). “Starting the Conversation Around the Ethical Use of Artiÿcial Intelligence in Applied Behavior Analysis.” Behavior Analysis in Practice, 17, 107–22. doi.org/10.1007/s40617-023-00868-z • Cox, D. J., & Jennings, A. M. (2024). “˛e Promises and Possibilities of Artiÿcial Intelligence in the Delivery of Behavior Analytic Services.” Behavior Analysis in Practice, 17, 123–36. doi.org/10.1007/s40617-023-00864-3 • LaMountain, P. & Jennings, A. “Functional Analysis and Intervention of Verbal Perseverations in a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Comorbidities.” New York State Association for Behavior Analysis, Annual Conference, Oct 4–6, 2023. Albany, NY. Poster. • Jennings, A. M., & Cox, D. J. (2024). “Ethics for Artiÿcial Intelligence In Applied Behavior Analysis.” Assumption University Speaker Series, Apr 11, 2024. Worcester, MA. Invited speaker. • Jennings, A. M. “Are You Smarter ˛an a Chatbot: Exploring Generative Artiÿcial Intelligence (AI)’s Performance on a Mock Board Certiÿed Behavior Analyst Examination and Complex Relational Framing Programs.” Association for Behavior Analysis International Conference, May 25–27, 2024. Philadelphia, PA. Discussant and CE Instructor. Johnston, Danielle, MPAS, PA-C Physician Assistant Studies • Johnston, D. (2024). “Acute Myeloid Leukemia Manifesting as Pruritus: A Case Report.” Journal of Dermatology for Physician Assistants 18(2). doi.org/10.1097/jdpa.0000000000000012 Kelley, Shawn, PhD Philosophy, Languages, and Religious Studies • Kelley, S. “Critical Race ˛eory: From ˛eoretical Frame to Object of Scorn.” Bu˜alo Humanities Festival, Sep 22–24, 2023. Bu˜alo, NY. Conference presentation. 35